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What is the Baby Bump Mobility Protocol?

Pregnancy is a miraculous journey filled with moments of joy, anticipation, and wonder! However, for many expectant mothers, it can also bring along physical discomforts that can impact their overall well-being. The Baby Bump Mobility Protocol is a series of full-body stretches that can be done on your own or with your partner, to help enhance range of motion and mobility as your body changes with pregnancy.

We've got your back (and your baby bump) covered with simple exercises and techniques that help you navigate the physical changes of pregnancy with ease. Get ready to move comfortably and stay active throughout your pregnancy journey!

Partner Stretches: Strengthening Bonds and Easing Discomfort

Pregnancy is a life-changing journey, not just for the expectant mother, but also for her partner. Partner stretches offer a wonderful way to strengthen your connection while providing relief. The following stretches not only enhance physical well-being but also nurture the bond between partners.

Both knees to chest partner stretch
While bending your knees, plant your feet and grab your partner's legs one at a time, bringing your knees to your chest and hold. Lying face up on the ground with knees bend and feet planted; your partner will grab your legs one at a time, bringning your knees to your chest. Your partner can push up on your feet for a gentle stretch. Let your body relax & feel your lower back lengethen.

One knee to chest
The partner bends one leg up toward mom's chest while being mindful of her belly, gently pushing upward on the foot to provide a mild stretch. Then, switch legs.

Keeping the leg straight, the partner supports under the knee and ankle, gradually bringing the leg toward your chest until the partner feels a comfortable stretch. Optional foot pumps can be added to enhance the stretch. Then slowly lower the leg back.

Hip Abduction
Supporting at the ankle and calf, bring the partner's straight leg out to the side until mom feels a stretch in her inner thigh. The position is held while mom is encouraged to relax, and then the leg is brought back to the starting position.

The partner lifts the partner's knee up and gently brings the lower leg towards mom's chest until she feels a stretch. The position is held, and mom is reminded to relax and breathe. This sequence is then repeated on the other leg.

Quad & Hip Flexor
In a side-lying position, the partner takes mom's knee and ankle in line with her body, bending the knee backward and providing support to the leg as the front of the hip opens up. The position is held for approximately 30-60 seconds before returning to the starting position.

Self Stretches: Lower Body

Taking care of your body during pregnancy is essential for maintaining overall well-being and promoting a painless experience.
Self-stretches offer a practical and empowering way to alleviate muscle tension, enhance flexibility, and improve circulation—all from the comfort of your own space. With self-stretches, you have the flexibility to tailor your routine to your specific needs.

Pigeon Poses
Begin on hands and knees, bringing one knee towards the opposite hand. Extend the back leg and sink down onto the mat. Keep the hips as square as possible. If the belly allows, walk the hands forward to deepen the stretch. Lengthen the body with each inhale and relax into the pose with each exhale.

Butterfly/Hip Adductor
Sit in the butterfly position with the soles of the feet together. If possible, or if you desire a deeper stretch, place your hands on your knees and gently press them down. This stretch targets the hip adductor muscles and can help alleviate discomfort in that area.

Deep Squat
Assume a wide stance with your toes turned outward. Slowly bend your knees and bring your hands to your heart center, allowing both hips to open up. This deep squat stretch helps improve flexibility and promotes a greater range of motion in the hip joints.

Self Stretches: Upper Body

During pregnancy, One area that often requires attention is the upper body, as increased weight and postural adjustments can lead to discomfort and tension.

Incorporating these self-stretches into your routine offers a simple and effective way to alleviate muscle tightness, improve circulation, and promote relaxation in the upper body.

Football post chest stretch
Lie on your back and raise both arms up and overhead, creating a "football post" shape. Allow your arms to rest downward into the floor, mat, or a wedge, feeling a gentle stretch through your anterior pec muscles. Take a few deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling as you feel the stretch opening and lengthening your chest.

Neck Extension Stretch
Place your arms over your chest, touching your collarbones, and look up, allowing your head to fall back gently. Apply a light downward pressure with your hands to deepen the stretch. Take a couple of breaths, lengthening your spine on the inhale and relaxing on the exhale.

Shoulder and Neck Rolls
Raise your shoulders up, roll them back and down, repeating this motion a few times. Then reverse the direction. To stretch the neck, drop one ear towards the shoulder and extend the opposite arm out to the side with a flexed wrist. Take a couple of deep breaths in this position. Next, drop your chin towards your chest to experience a different stretch. Repeat these movements on the other side.

Triceps and Side Body Stretch
Bring one elbow up towards your head and use your other arm to grab the elbow. Gently pull the elbow to the side until you feel a stretch in your triceps. While inhaling, lean your body over and away to deepen the stretch along the side of your body. Return to an upright position and repeat the sequence on the other side.

Self Stretches: Full Body

Self-care is of utmost importance during pregnancy, as your body undergoes significant changes and adjustments.

While nurturing your overall well-being, it's crucial to pay special attention to your body, which often bears the brunt of tension and discomfort. These stretches can be easily performed at home, in a calm environment, or whenever you feel the need for a moment of rejuvenation. By taking a few moments each day to focus on your body, you can release muscle tightness, improve circulation, and create a sense of relaxation and ease.

Position yourself on hands and knees, aligning your shoulders over your hands and hips over your knees. As you exhale, tuck your tailbone under and allow your spine to curve into a rainbow shape. When ready to inhale, look upward, lift your tailbone, and create a U shape with your spine. Repeat this movement, flowing between cat and cow poses.

Child’s Pose
Begin on hands and knees, gently opening your knees apart to make room for your belly. Sit back onto your heels, surrendering your head downward. Extend your arms forward and bring your focus and breath down into your pelvic space. To stretch your lateral trunk, bring both arms to one corner of the mat, take a few deep breaths, and then walk your hands over to the other corner of the mat. You should feel a stretch along the side of your trunk opposite to where your hands are.

Thread the Needle
Start on hands and knees, then bring one arm and thread it under the other arm, relaxing your head and shoulder down. Direct your breath and awareness to the area between your ribs and shoulder blade. Stay in this position for a few breaths or move in and out of the pose. On an inhale, reach the threaded arm up and outward, gazing towards the ceiling.

Side-lying Good Morning
Straighten the top leg and let it rest on the ground. Reach the top arm up and overhead, lengthening it away from your body. As you inhale, expand your ribcage and lift the arm and leg, creating a stretch between your ribs and hips. After holding the stretch, relax and release.

Trunk Rotation in side lying
Bring the top leg straight in front of you and let it drop over the top hip. Rotate the top arm up and over as far as possible. Stay in this position for a few breaths, then return to the side lying starting position.

Seated chest and back opener
Start by bringing your arms up into a ballerina position. Round your back, arching forward, and then open your arms out wide, squeezing your shoulder blades together.

Shoulder/trunk rotation on hands and knees
Assume a hands-and-knees position and place one hand behind your ear with a bent elbow. Take that elbow to touch the opposite wrist, creating a rotation in your shoulder and trunk.