Baby Bump Mobility Protocol

What is the Baby Bump Mobility Protocol?

Pregnancy is a miraculous journey filled with moments of joy, anticipation, and wonder! However, for many expectant mothers, it can also bring along physical discomforts that can impact their overall well-being. The Baby Bump Mobility Protocol is a series of full-body stretches that can be done on your own or with your partner, to help enhance range of motion and mobility as your body changes with pregnancy.

We've got your back (and your baby bump) covered with simple exercises and techniques that help you navigate the physical changes of pregnancy with ease. Get ready to move comfortably and stay active throughout your pregnancy journey!

5 Powerful Ways to Embrace your Postpartum Body

This article was written and originally published by, read it here.

I always see hashtags on Instagram like #BeatTheMomBod or #BounceBack after someone has a baby—but why? There’s an enormous pressure put on postpartum women to return to our pre-pregnancy shape. Whether it’s someone you know showing off how they returned to their pre-baby weight in just six weeks or a headline sharing how a Hollywood actress was back in her pre-prego bikini just four months postpartum.

Advice all over the internet that tells women they can “bounce back" and erase the fact that they’ve had a baby is misguided at best and dangerous at worst.

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